About Earth Altars & Laura Loescher
My practice of creating Earth Altars began in May of 2020, early in the season of pandemics and social uprisings. I was feeling burned out, grieving all the crises - climate, injustice, pandemic, economic collapse - and was on a healing sabbatical to regain a sense of wellbeing. I had a feeling that all my efforts to “save” the world had failed, and I needed to rebalance by taking some time to “savor” the world in new ways.
This practice got me off my screens and into nature. What started as a practice for my own healing and resiliency turned into something that could soothe and inspire others. It has connected me so much more deeply with the natural world and with my sense of place. I am so in love with this planet, more than ever before, as I get to know the names of what’s growing all around me and as I walk through the world seeing color and shape and possibility everywhere.
Sometimes I create with cultivated and wild flowers. Sometimes I pick up fallen leaves, seeds and pods and put them together in beautiful ways.
As things fall apart more and more, this is a useful metaphor - we can pick up the broken pieces to create some new beauty and order in the midst of chaos. Beauty is medicine.
I'm pleased to be able to share these with others who find them nourishing and inspiring.
Thank you for being here.
Read this piece I wrote for Grateful.org about creating earth altars as a practice for grateful living. I include some simple suggestions for how to make your own earth altars!
Grateful.org offers free e-cards featuring a range of messages. You can find Earth Altars cards in each category:
I share poems, art and musings on life. Visit the blog here.
I offer a deck of Resiliency Cards featuring earth altars art, as well as made-to-order canvas prints of your favorite design! To order a deck of cards, visit the online shop. For custom printed art, feel free to contact me.
Resiliency Cards
Playshops & Events
Earth Altars Canvas Prints
Community resilience matters to me.
My great hope is that by sharing my art online and through community events, I am planting seeds of beauty and healing.